Replica Blake's Bounty Hunter Gun from Blakes 7 episode 'Blake'
The story behind this is that Bill Pearson had a day to come up with a gun for Blake to use in the woods that could be fired 3 times without reloading.
The original was based on a Stormtrooper toy rifle with added ema parts.
After months of looking one was obtained on ebay and with the other parts arriving and also obtaining the correct ford grey paint work began one Saturday.
7 hours later this is the result, the stormtrooper blaster was cut up, the back glued to the front and the fins and side buttons made, ema parts attached to the back and top sight, a new top was made from plastic card and 2 extra push buttons were added as in the original for the 3 shots of flashcotton.
Just found another stormtrooper blaster on ebay, and also a supplier of flashwool and flashpaper....
There maybe a working version soon...
After making this in 7 hours, full respect to Bill to thinking it up and making a working version in a day....
True BBC model unit work...